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Where to complain about spam that uses free email accounts
If you received a fake lottery winning notification or other type of "419" spam (Nigeria fraud), you should forward it to the abuse department of the free email service that provides the address and ask the company to suspend or cancel the email account used by the criminals.
In most cases, you obtain the email address to write to by changing the part of the address to the left of the '@' sign with the word abuse, for example:
If you try to report the spam and the message comes back as undeliverable, look up the correct address using abuse.net:
When you contact the webmailer abuse department, write something like the following (please replace the company name, email address and other details as appropriate):
Hello Yahoo,
Email address [email protected] is used as a "419" spam maildrop.
Email address [email protected] is used as the sender of "419" spam.
Email address [email protected] is used in a "419" scam, see below.
Please suspend the account.
Thank you!
Firstname Lastname
----- Original Message -----
From: Queensley Rhoda <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, 19 February, 2005 22:41
Reporting email addresses listed inside the message body that recipients are supposed to contact is much more important than reporting email addresses listed as the sender!
Here are various domains and the abuse contact addresses that go with them.